Saturday, January 2, 2016

My Fight for 2016

Here is a post I recently posted on Facebook:

Fight. This is my word for 2016. I have to fight against my depression/anxiety. I need to fight for my health and against overeating. I have to fight my negative, degrading thoughts about myself. I need to fight for my business, because success is possible. I need to fight against laziness, and pursue God even when I don't "feel" like it. And if I want a clean house, I may just have to fight for that, too. Even if I'm fighting my kids smile emoticon So, 2016...get ready for a fight!!

So, let me expand a little!

Lately, I have been feeling extremely defeated. I can't put my finger on exactly what is wrong. I don't know if I have a chemical imbalance, aren't getting enough sleep, am depressed because of my weight, or feel overwhelmed with all my responsibilities/duties. It's probably a combination of all those things. Mixed with things from the past that have deeply hurt me. But whatever it is, I don't want to just give into all those things. I easily feel horrible, and let the negative spiral of thoughts and emotions take over me. But I know I was made for more. Created for more. And I want to use what God has allowed in my life to encourage and inspire others.

That's one reason why being a Beachbody Coach is so meaningful to me. It's not just my "job." Yes, it is a job that I work that brings in an income. But it is so much more than that. To help others reach their goals, encourage others on their journey to get healthy and fit, to be a part of something bigger than me...that is rewarding, folks!

So in 2016, how can I be an encouragement to you? What goals do you have that seem impossible? Which goals are you scared to write down, because they seem like they could never happen?

I'm not saying I'm a miracle worker or anything. But maybe we could help inspire and encourage each other. This Beachbody Coaching thing has become far greater and inspiring than I could have ever imagined. I started out just thinking that I didn't have enough time to invest in one more thing. Now, I find myself wishing I had more time to invest in it, because it's my passion, my love, and my creative outlet!

Soooo, I'm looking for 3-5 women who are looking for...

1. Something new to inspire and encourage them
2. Something to help inspire and encourage others
3. Are or want to be on a health/fitness journey
4. Could use some extra income
5. Want to be a part of something bigger!!

If any of these things sound like they ring a bell, then let's chat!! Being a part of my Team, Fit Fuel, might just be the place for you! We are doing amazing things in 2016...and you might just be our missing link!!

Comment below with interest, and I'll set up a time to chat!!

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